Revised NetWorld2020 Governance Model approved

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The Networld2020 membership and the members of 5G Infrastructure Association approved the proposed revised Networld2020 governance model on October 4, 2016 and the proposed revised 5G Infrastructure Association Statures on September 7, 2016. The approach of a direct link between Networld2020 and the 5G Infrastructure Association in 5G PPP by the election of the Networld2020 Steering Board members and additional organisations, which automatically became members of the Association, has been removed. However, both organisation expressed the intention of further cooperation in areas of common interest.

Networld2020 has the main purpose to identify forward looking research topics in an annually updated Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda as input to the EU Commission work program of Horizon 2020 and other collaborative research programs. In addition, Networld2020 will contribute to forthcoming discussions on the forthcoming preparation of the follow-up research program of Horizon 2020.

The development of 5G is going faster than expected a few years ago. Therefore, the role of 5G Infrastructure Association in 5G PPP is changing. Its purpose is to be the counterpart on the private side to the EU Commission in 5G PPP, to prepare and discuss contributions to the dedicated 5G PPP work program in Horizon 2020, to contribute to 5G policy-oriented topics in the 5F ecosystem like standards, spectrum and trials and interact with international partners towards consensus building on 5G. These activities require adaptations to the globally changing environment.

The 5G Infrastructure Association is now open for membership applications for organisations from the ICT sector. There will be no limitation in the number of members anymore. Details will be available on the 5G PPP website soon.

Due to the different time scales and objectives of Networld2020 and 5G Infrastructure Association both organisation decided to be independent in their specific areas of activity.

Download revised Governance Model here  (Revision October 2016)

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