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Workshop: Future Core – New Potential to Connect Everything Intelligently, 19 September 2024
September 19, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm CEST
Rationale and Objectives
The Workshop “Future Core – New Potential to Connect Everything Intelligently” took place on the morning of the 19th September 2024, organized by NetworldEurope and CCSA. The hybrid event had 2 components, one onsite in Shanghai and the other online, with the respective zoom link available upon registration. The workshop aims to provide an open information space to share current and future views about the network Core of the future, and how this theme is being addressed by different stakeholders. Two different discussion panels are organized, addressing challenges and evolution, new use cases and technology trends as well as standardization and next step industry developments related to Future Core Networks.
The workshop will feature key speakers from industry and academia, representing the views of manufacturers, operators, industry bodies, and research scientists.
The agenda was as follows:
See the workshop report here
See the presentations here
See the videos here
Workshop Moderators and Speakers
Prof. Rui L. Aguiar, Chair of the Steering Board of the NetworldEurope European Technology Platform, has been involved in research and strategic research management since 1988, having been involved (in multiple positions) in all European-funded framework programs. He was involved in the development of the NetworldEurope initiative, and the launch of the 5G-Infrastructure Association PPP, and has led the association before. He has been an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer on 5G in the last years, and has several hundred papers on communication networks and services. He is also the co-chair of the Networks and Multimedia area at Instituto de Telecomunicações, a Portuguese state-associated laboratory, and a Full Professor at Universidade de Aveiro.
WEN Ku, Board Chair of China Communications Standardization Association (CCSA), Professor of Engineering. He is entitled to the special government allowance of The State Council. He used to take positions in succession as Deputy Chief Engineer of Posts and Telecommunications Administration, Director of Data Communication Administration of Shandong Province, Deputy Director General of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Deputy Director General of the Department of Science and Technology, Deputy Director General of the Telecommunications Administration, Director General of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Information Industry, Director General of the Department of Science and Technology, Director General of the Department of Information and Communication Development and News Spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
Mr. Duan Xiaodong is a professor-level senior engineer and vice president of China Mobile Research Institute, leader of IMT-2030(6G) Network Technology Working Group in China. He has long been engaged in IPv6 and next-generation Internet, 5G/6G network architecture, computility network and new intelligent computing. He leads the China Mobile standardization team for IETF, 3GPP SA/CT, and IEEE. He has made remarkable achievements in scientific and technological innovation, obtained more than 50 authorized patents, and has many scientific and technological awards.
Jean Schwoerer holds a PhD in electronics and communication systems from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes (France) since 2006. Subsequently, his research work focused on the connectivity of the Internet of Things and cellular networks. He was also strongly involved in standardization for the Orange group for which he was delegated to ETSI, IEEE802 and 3GPP RAN1&2 where he contributed to the standardization of 5G and IoT connectivity. He is now mainly involved in the preparation of 6G within Orange Research, as co- editor of NGMN 6G white paper and as member of the 6G-IA board.
Dr. Wen Tong is the CTO, Huawei Wireless. He is the head of Huawei wireless research. In 2011, Dr. Tong was appointed the Head of Communications Technologies Labs of Huawei, currently, he is the Huawei 5G chief scientist and led Huawei’s 10-year-long 5G wireless technologies research and development.
Prior to joining Huawei in 2009, Dr. Tong was the Nortel Fellow and head of the Network Technology Labs at Nortel. He joined the Wireless Technology Labs at Bell Northern Research in 1995 in Canada.
Dr. Tong is the industry recognized leader in invention of advanced wireless technologies, Dr. Tong was elected as a Huawei Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. He was the recipient of IEEE Communications Society Industry Innovation Award in 2014, and IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Industry Leader Award for “pioneering technical contributions and leadership in the mobile communications industry and innovation in 5G mobile communications technology” in 2018. He is also the recipient of R.A. Fessenden Medal. For the past three decades, he had pioneered fundamental technologies from 1G to 5G wireless with more than 530 awarded US patents.
Dr. Tong is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, and he serves as Board of Director of Wi-Fi Alliance.
Patrik Rugeland is a Master Researcher at Ericsson Research, Stockholm Sweden and is the Technical Manager of the Hexa-X-II project. He received his M.Sc. in engineering physics in 2009 and Ph.D. in applied physics in 2013 from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. In 2014 he joined Ericsson Research, Stockholm and has since been working on standardization and concept development for LTE-Advanced and NR with a focus on radio network architecture and protocols towards 3GPP RAN2. He currently holds more than 90 patents in the area. and is the co-editor for the book ‘Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy 6G: Challenges, Enablers, and Architectural Design’. In 2019, he started on 6G research and was the Technical Manager for the Hexa-X project during 2021-2022 before joining Hexa-X-II as Technical Manager in 2023.
Dr. Jose Costa-Requena received his Doctor of Technology degree from Aalto University on the field of networking. Jose has worked for more than 25 years concurrently both at Aalto University and at Nokia. He has gained experience in managing the development of complex end-to-end systems and large multi-site projects with 100s of developers. Jose was part of Nokia patent board for several years and holds 15+ granted patents and 40+ filed applications in the area of local area networks and mobile networks and received award of top 3 inventor of the year 2004-2007. While at Nokia he has contributed to 3GPP since Rel 5 and was chair of DLNA and UPnP working groups. Jose is currently CUMUCORE CEO and Aalto staff scientist where he has published several journals and articles in the field of computer networking.
Ms. Qun WEI, Vice Chair of 3GPP TSG SA1, Chief Representative of China Unicom standard activities, Project Manager of China Unicom Research Institute,Rapporteur and Editor of 3GPP, CCSA and GSMA. Ms Wei has been responsible for many important technical improvements from 2 / 3G to 4 / 5G networks. Her work covers a wide range of fields, including mobile network, IP Multimedia Subsystem, service platform, PSTN / SS, etc., She also has extensive experience in network technology evolution and service quality improvement, including HNB/HeNB, VoLTE/RCS/VoWiFi, Multi device, FMC technology, etc. Her recent contribution focus on 5G/6G network technology, and she serves as the SA1 rapporteur for 9 WIDs, including 5GVSC, EAV, DI_5G, NetShare, and Residence related.
Dr Diego R. Lopez joined Telefónica in 2011 as a Senior Technology Expert, and he is currently in charge of the Technology Exploration activities within the GCTIO Unit. Before joining Telefónica he spent some years in the academic sector, dedicated to research on network services, and was appointed member of the High-Level Expert Group on Scientific Data Infrastructures by the European Commission.
Diego is currently focused on applied research in network infrastructures, with a special emphasis on data-driven management, new architectures, security, and quantum communications. Diego is an ETSI Fellow and chairs the ETSI ISG ZSM.
Jizhe Zhou received the B.S. degree in Electronic and Information Engineering from the Beihang University, China, in 2015, the M.S. degree in Computer Science from the Columbia University, USA, in 2017, and PhD degree in Information and Communication Engineering from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China, in 2021. She is currently an engineer with China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT). She is a member of the Wireless Technical Committee of China Communications Standards Association (CCSA), IMT-2020(5G) Promotion Group, and IMT-2030(6G) Promotion Group in China. She is also a senior member of China Institute of Communications. Her main research interests include next-generation network architecture, edge intelligence, and computing-aware networks.
Mr. Xu Xia graduated in 2005 from Chonbuk National University (South Korea) with a Master of Science degree in Information and Communication. He has been with China Telecom Research Institute since 2012 and his activities mainly focus on core network innovation. Currently he is Standards Director heading researches and standardization for 6G, B5G, and Industry convergence. He has made extensive contributions to GSMA, CCSA and 5GAA standards and holds the role of vice chair of 3GPP SA1. He has also served on keynotes, program and organization committees of numerous leading wireless and networking conferences.
Mr. Xuemin Wang, Vice President of Huawei European Research Institute, Director of Huawei Europe Standardization & Industry Dept
Mr. Xuemin Wang, joined in Huawei in 1995, served as Project Manager of Huawei B-Type Circuit Switching product, Vice General Manager of Product Testing Department, Vice General Manager of General Technical Management Office, Director of Standardization & Industry Dept, etc. Currently served as the Vice President of European Research Institute and also the Director of Europe Standardization & Industry Development Dept, responsible for implementing standard and industry strategy for European regions.
Also served as IIC Steering Committee member China Electronics Standardization association(CESA )Vice Chair of Board of Director, CCSA board member, etc., for the aim of building nice communication channels with external organizations, partners and customers in the multi-level standardization and industry development environment.